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Shiyu Liang    梁诗宇


I am a tenure-track assistant professor at John Hopcroft Center for Computer Science at Shanghai Jiaotong University. I am also appointed as a faculty member at Intelligent internet of Things (IIOT) Research Center. I received my Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, advised by Professor R. Srikant. After graduating from UIUC, I spent one year in University of Washington as a post-doctoral researcher, advised by Professor Sewoong Oh. Before joining UIUC, I graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, where I spent three years in Professor Xinbing Wang's research group. My research interests include deep learning, machine learning, optimization and applied probability. 

My research group is recruiting students interested in hot topics in deep learning, machine learning, optimization and probability. 

Selected Publications

  • Robust Generalization in Overparameterized Neural Networks Using Explicit Regularization

    • Shiyu Liang, Ruoyu Sun and R. Srikant

    • Working paper, 2020

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